Out of all things I bake, I most love cookies. It’s obvious in so many ways that I do, but in light of World Baking Day, I dedicate this post to the happiness they bring.
Cookies are easy to share and they are easy to make and they make people instantly happy. This is the epitome of why I also love baking and cooking. Food is multi-sensory and tangible and I love hands on.
Cookies are versatile and lovable and nostalgic. This trio means I can play and bake with my imagination and the imagination of others. The result is to feel like little kids chomping down on as much sweetness as possible and then asking for a glass of milk to chase it. It’s that truth we have in common.
Baking with Reese reminded me of how wonderful the concept of adding a pile of insensible products together could make a result of chewy, warm and mouthwatering bite sized packages of happiness, his joy and curiosity were also mine.
I’d been dreaming about peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies, craving that rich nuttiness of America. The Stork brought margarine that would be better suited for icing than butter. I do not compromise on butter. But using the margarine made the icing super soft and creamy which took the hardness out of the peanut butter and was lovely for the centre of the cookie sandwiches.
The recipe for those chocolate chip peanut butter icing cookie sandwiches is here and it’s very easy and delicious.
And the gallery of those enjoying here:
The post Cookie cheer for World Baking Day appeared first on Love Milk and Cookies.