Having Halloween withdrawal? Here’s a few GIF’s to keep you covered until 2014.
1. The Pumpkin King says great work everyone, so pat yourself on the back.
2. But let’s remember all the awesome – like the dad who dressed his 2 year old up for a rave.
3. And, looking forward to next year’s Treehouse of Horror marathon.
4. Sorry FEZ it’s all been eaten.
5. Only a few more months till kids are knocking at your door again in ridiculously cute costumes.
6. And now there is time to be as cool as this Transformer in real life.
7. And all the left over candy!
8. No more tip toeing around with fear of your horrible friends
9. So now you can take it easy …
10. And remember:
via Rebloggy.com, https://kmpunksays.wordpress.com, www.theheartofcamelot.com, www.cheezburger.com, www.pleatedjeans.com
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